Thursday, October 31, 2019

Business law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Business law - Assignment Example The feeling or ignorance pertaining what is happening makes the practice appear ambiguous. The practice worked in the sense that the rich folks controlled the market. Therefore, they had power that determined the flow of income within the market. This increased the mobility of physical cash leading to difficult economic situations arising within the economy. However, the situations did not affect those who pioneered them. Instead, they affected the poor persons within the communities. The parties involved include Hank Paulson, who is a treasury secretary. Initially, he headed Goldman and was the secretary during the time of crisis. On the other hand, Tim Geithner was an appointee tasked with overseeing the effectiveness of the system, and managed to be among those that facilitated the downfall of that system. Most people in the movie have different moral philosophies that justify their actions. They do actions that only serve their personal interests without considering what others may be going through at any one moment in time. Therefore, the principles that the people exhibit have a relationship with what they perform. For instance, Dick Fuld lost his job because he facilitated the downfall of one company. Thus, this showcases him as having some of the worst management principles that lack quality leadership. In addition to causing the downfall, he made away with huge lump sums of money making other people lose their valuables such as money and jobs (Ferrell et al. 160). The parties in question could have experienced different situations had they used different moral philosophies. Such philosophies include applied ethics, which potentially takes a person’s problems and tries to find out the right and wrong concerning the situation. The other philosophy is normative ethics that only makes an assessment of those factors enabling people

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Emergent Properties Essay Example for Free

Emergent Properties Essay Emergent Properties Emergent properties are properties that come about when smaller components combine together to form a large unit that works together for a common purpose. The idea of emergent properties is based on the fact that the whole combined unit is more efficient than the sum of all of the units. These properties cannot be seen when the organisms are separated from one another, the organisms must be together for the properties to take effect. Emergent properties have come about for the fact that when combined, these organisms can perform much more complex and advanced tasks that the organisms would not be able to complete on their own. In nature we see many emergent properties arise from evolution. When birds branched off from reptiles during their evolution, they developed feathers instead of scales. These feathers do not enable flight on their own, however when combined to form a wing they become much more efficient. When these two wings come together to form a pair of wings the result is an extremely efficient form of transportation that is not only light but also water resistant. Another example of emergent properties would be evident in our brain. Which each brain cell does not possess much computing power, however when billions of them are combined together, the result is a very efficient computing unit that can provide us with such things as thoughts emotions and character. Each brain cell alone would not be able to do these things. Emergent properties exist all around us and we even display some of these properties. One example of emergent properties would be the collaboration of many human beings. Separated, our minds are powerful, but nearly limited. Once combined we can collaborate with each other and perform many tasks efficiently, such as running a county, for example. It is not a coincidence that dictatorships are notoriously unsuccessful. There are also many emergent properties that exist beyond living things. For example when you have a hurricane, essentially all you have is air and water at various different temperatures. The randomness of this collection of air produces a large air mass that has a specific circular motion which is very powerful and devastating to anything that comes into contact with it. The air itself and the water vapor would not be able to cause this force on their own. It is the random order that makes this hurricane so powerful and hard to predict. Another example of emergence away from biology is currency. Currency or money came about as people wanted to trade with one another, but had no medium to do so. Alone, a single person would not need money. It is only useful and evident as many people come together to form a group. Without this group the money would have no value because it’s value is determined by people who are willing to trade with it. In conclusion emergence is evident throughout nature and even past it. It is the way  complex systems  and patterns arise out of a  multiplicity  of relatively simple interactions. Emergence is central to the understanding of communities and ecosystems where it be in living organisms or beyond biology.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Behaviour Of Individuals In A Group Education Essay

Behaviour Of Individuals In A Group Education Essay Introduction The line of study and understanding of individual and group behaviour, and patterns of structure in order to help improve organisational performance and effectiveness. (Robbins, 2007). Organisation is one of the most important parts and serves important needs of the society. So the decisions and actions of management in organisations have an increasing impact on individuals, other organisations and the community (Mullins, 2008). Hence it is important, to understand how organisation functions. For that we need to learn the behaviour of people, how do they behave and perform as members of a group and as individuals. This report is discussing the performance and behaviour of an individual while working in a group. The report emphasise on three interrelated parts which are concerned with: describing the formation of the group, differences between group and team, how individual perform in a group and their performance as an individual, and finally some conclusions on importance of the behaviour and performance of an individual in a group. Groups Groups are any number of people who interact with one another; are psychologically aware of one another; and perceive themselves to be a group (Schein, 1988). A group is two or more individuals interacting with each other to accomplish a common goal (Ivancevich, Konopaske, Matteson, 2008). Any ways groups are not same as that of teams. Teams are mature groups which are motivated and they are interdependent on each other for a common goal. Team can be of fixed size but groups can defer on purpose of the work. All teams can be a group but all groups cant be a team. Advantages and disadvantages of a group Advantages Learn to listen others point of view of other member in a group and take their considerations. Learn a lot from individuals personalities. Learn group co-ordination and Mutual understanding. Learn to divide work and complete the work faster. Learn to interact with different kind of people. Disadvantages If there are many people in a group then there may be group conflict. There may be different opinions on doing same thing so sometimes it takes time to start the work. Every member of a group should know its role and should work accordingly. Self esteem of a person can be heart while his opinion is not taken or not implemented. Why do people join groups? Humans are social animal, they cant stay alone. They want someone to interact with each other. People join clubs, different groups and societies just for interacting with each other. This is human psychology that they cant stop communicating with each other. Working in a group is an excellent way of building the effective interpersonal relationship that organisation needs (Heller, 1997). There are some of other reasons why people like to be in a group and they are: Security, Task achievement, Social needs and Power (Ellis Penny, 2000). People feel safety while they are in a group for an example working in an organisation some decision has to be taken people feel safe to take decision in a group rather than taking individually. Task achievement is also a main reason why people join groups there are many task which cannot be done alone. Some people join groups for social needs say by forming a group they are forming some special relationship. Power is the main reason people form a gro up for an instance if many people are doing a particular talk it can be done easily but thats not true for individuals. Reasons for formation of a group in an organisation People join groups because groups are able to accomplish things that individuals cannot accomplish working alone and working in group fulfils the social needs of people. The functional theory of the formation posits that groups are the only way to survive the demands of the environment (Stewart, Manz, Sims, 1999). Environmental factors As jobs become more complex due to technology or other factors, groups become a good way to handle the complexity (Levi, 2001). Moreover, joint management has a strong ability to attract capital beyond the founders or owners resources from private and venture capital backers (Timmons, 1999). I feel some work in an organization cant be done by individual it requires a group of people for better understanding of a complex situation. Poor performance, crisis and survival The urge to try something new and to change the course of action increases when the performance is low (Boone, C; van Olffen, W; vanWitteloostuijn, A; De Brebander, B, 2004) . Hence there is a fear of failure when a individual is working alone but thats not always true when groups are working. People know their own responsibilities while working in a group and they try to fulfil each and every thing. Growth A small business owner may not have the sufficient knowledge and skills to ensure significant organizational growth (Weinzimmer, 1997). When the firm sizeincreases, more people are needed for effective management (Weltman, 2001). Groups are responsible for the development of an organisation. Hence group should always think about the growth of the organisation. Profitability and better firm performance The benefits of teamwork in management relate to both work and firm performance (e.g. (Hunsaker, 2001; Eisenstat Cohen, 1990)No human is perfect, but groups can be. Human has some or other areas where they cannot work. But while working in a group human can hide their weaknesses. Social issues Companionship can help in problem solving and to diminish demanding working conditions as support arises among the team members (Hunsaker, 2001). One of the most compelling reasons why people join groups is because they believe membership in a particular group will help them to satisfy one or more important needs. Group norms According to Sherif (1936), norms are the customs, traditions, rules, values, fashions, and any other criteria of conduct which are standardised as a consequence of contact with individuals. Later, (Steers, 1981) called norms a shared group standard which regulates member behaviour. Norms also have been identified as the informal rules that groups adopt to regulate and regularise members behaviour (Feldman, 1984). Although norms generally exist in the formal context of group functioning, rarely appear in written form, and are seldom discussed, they still have a very powerful and consistent influence on group behaviour (Hackman, 1976). After analysing all this definitions I feel norms are rules which are made by individuals which work in a group for its smooth working. Norms are made by a group, so there can be different norms for different types of a group. For example, there are groups of people who are in a university every group will have its own norms. Secondly, there are various degrees of acceptance by a group member. That means some norms are followed by every group member and other norms are restricted to some people only. Some of the norms are also applied all group members and some norms are applied for few people in a group. For an instance, a group is working in an organisation, some norms are followed by all group members and some norms are only for the position holders, say managers in a group (Ivancevich, Konopaske, Matteson, 2008). Different types of group Organisation has two different types of groups they are formal groups and informal groups. The major difference between both this types of groups is that there is friendship between the members of the group. In informal group the entire member knows each other so they know what strength and weaknesses each individual has according to that everyone can work out knowing each other. And formal groups are made by the organisations they dont know each other they are formed for a specific goal. A planned system of cooperative effort in which each participant has a recognized role to play and duties or tasks to perform (Katz, 1965). These types of groups are made only for smooth functioning of an organisation. People dont know each other so there are less chance of getting friendly environment, and getting better results. According to Palazzolo (1981), a collection of individual whose common work experience result in the development of a system of interpersonal relations beyond those expect ed of them by values of their employment. In this type of group people know each other and they are friends with common goals so they can coordinate with each other without any problem. There is no communication gap between the people, so work can be done in better way. The only problem with this type of group is that it has friendly environment so many times it does not work for a organisation. But informal groups are better than formal groups. Groupthink A mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically Appraise alternative courses of action (Janis, 1972). With the idea of Groupthink group behaviour and performance can be increased. Groupthink can make any kind of decisions in an organization. As we have notice individual does not take any decisions, all the decisions are been taken by the organisation are discussed before implementing it. This is because all individual has different way of thinking in an organisation so everyone should know what is going on and can get ideas from everyone. By doing this the chances of implementing a risk gets decrease and on one in an organisation can regret the fact after implementing the new project. Numbers of specific symptoms on groupthink are as fallows. There is an illusion of invulnerability with excessive optimism and risk-taking. The discounting or discrediting of negative feedback which contradicts group consensus results in rationalisation in order to explain away any disagreeable information. An unquestioned belief in the inherent morality of the group which leads members to be convinced of the logical correctness of what it is doing and to ignore ethical or moral consequences of decisions. The groups desire to maintain consensus can lead to negative stereotyping of opponents or people outside the group, or to the acceptance of change. There is pressure on individual members to conform and reach consensus so that minority or unpopular ideas may be suppressed. Each member of the group may impose self-censorship in order to suppress their own objectives, or personal doubts or disagreements. As a result of self-censorship, there is an illusion of unanimity with a lack of expressed dissent and a false sense of unity. In the unlikely event of dissent or contrary information, this will give rise to the emergence of mind guards who act as filters, guarding group leaders, deflecting opposition and applying pressure on deviants. (Mullins, 2008) Individual behaviour as a group member Psychological research on creativity has tended to focus on individuals and intra-individual factors (e.g., motivation; Amabile, 1982). Fords (1996) Theory of Creative Individual Action also links the work environment with intra-individual factors to explain individual creativity. Fords theory describes three individual characteristics which overlap conceptually with the components of Amabiles (1988, 1997) model, via: sense making, motivation, and knowledge and ability. Individual personality makes a big impact on his psychological behaviour in an organisation. Also all the employees has to be motivated by some or the other ways. There may be some of the differences while working in a group but individual has to ignore them. All the group members are there for a common purpose so everyone should know their role and accordingly they have to perform while they are in a group. No individual should back-off at last movement while working in a group. By doing this he can develop psychologically as well as potentially. He can get different ideas from all other group members. He wont be restricted to a limit, and also can work better as a group member. This is because we know no individual is perfect and group can be, this says group members can hide weaknesses of a individual. But for performing better in a group individual should be motivated all the time. Maslows theory of motivation gives an idea how individual can be motivated. Motivation Motivation is the factor that every group leader should give to their group member. Motivation is better explained by Maslows theory. Maslows theory Abraham Maslow attempted to formulate a needs-based framework of human motivation and based upon his clinical experiences with humans.  From Maslows theory of motivation, modern leaders and executive managers find means of  employee motivation  for the purposes of employee and workforce management. According to this theory humans are motivated by unsatisfied needs and certain lower needs. All individuals should fulfil physiological needs first. If these needs are not satisfied then there are chances for an individual to leave the organisation, as he is de-motivated from the organisation. After completing these needs other higher level needs should be completed like he should be safe from other things which are in and out of the organisation. And the hierarchy goes on till Self-Actualization. Hence Abraham Maslows model indicates that basic, low-level needs such as physiological requirements and safety must be satisfied before higher-level needs such as self-fulfilment are pursu ed. (Anonymus, Abraham Maslow Biography, 2005) Peer Pressure Peer pressure  is a change in  attitudes,  values, or  behaviour  in person to  conform  to group  norms (Anonymus, 2010). This person cannot be the member of the group. Peer pressure can be because of change in anything in the organisation. This can be a environment change or change in need. And because of this pressure group member leaves the group and may join other group which he dont like to be a member of that group, and thus they behave adversely concerning that groups behaviours. Peer pressure can cause people to do things they would not normally do, e.g. start drinking, may take least interest in the organisation, etc. Group Conflict Group conflict can occurs when there is difference in opinions within the group member. Conflict in a group can occur because of following reasons age, race, gender, education, functional background, and tenure. And because of this some time we feel to stay away from a group. This type of conflict can be seen in formal group. But thats not a case of informal group all the group member knows each other so they are understanding and many a times informal group may be of same age group and same kind of education so due to this reason the rate of conflict reduces or many times conflict does not take place. There is also conflict in the informal groups but this type of conflict does not last for more than a day. Experience This I can say with my own experience, I have been a member of a informal group while I was in my college, I was a member of cultural committee of the college from five years. Till completed my graduation. We used to organise the college festival called Utkarsh, I always took part in event handling stuff. And for last couple of years I was elected as a co-ordinator of Roars, with is IT and comp-science festival under Utkarsh. There were almost 15-20 peoples group who used to be a member if Roars and Utkarsh, so while organising a festival there are always conflict between a group members that which event will take place and where will it be held in the college, this is because there are almost 4000 people turning up for the event hence every one want to keep more event and all the event at one place hence there are conflict between group members. But once everything is solved there are no personal regrets in any ones mind. This is a big advantage of been a member of a informal group. In informal group also there should be a person who manages the group. In my case I been a co-ordinator had to look after the group. I had to look after personal problems with some other group members some other problems group member has while organising the festival. In intra group conflict I had to manage to solve the problem. This I was doing on the Maslows theory. If they need any necessary things for the event I typed to fulfil that by demanding it from the college authorities. The authorities should give them some safety measures by asking professors to take the lectures which they have missed and dont mark them as absent while they are working for the college festival as well as providing them with equal standards so that everyone gets a chance to give their own opinion. To provide them a self esteem so that they can also be confident while working for a college festival. Conclusion Work done by individual always talk time then work done by a group. Everything depends on the individual personality and his psychological and potential behaviour. Say now there is a word written impossible one individual may read it as impossible and other may read it as i m possible. Hence it depends on how the individual think. But working in a group always helps for individual to development himself. He gets to know how other individuals in a group think and what is the approach of other people on a particular work. There is always conflict in a group individuals should take these in a positive way as the group conflict is because of the betterment of the work which group is doing. The conflict in a group can be minimised if the group is an informal group. This is because all the group member knows each other and they are almost of same age so there thinking are also almost same. There should be a leader in a group to control the group. Group leader should always motivate people so that people can work in better way. Finally, I think group is always a better option to work rather than working as an individual.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Acid Rain :: Free Essay Writer

Acid Rain is caused by pollution containing sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and ozone ( SOÃ ½, NOx, and OÃ ½ ) is released into the air. These chemicals are absorbed into clouds and results in Acid Presipitation ( Acid Rain, Acid Snow, Acid Hail, Acid Sleet ). When the chemicals aren’t absorbed into clouds, they can drift for miles and fall to the ground, resulting in Acid Deposition, or dry deposition. When Acid Rain falls into water it is mixed in with the normal water and causes the pH of the entire body to be raised. Measurments on the pH (potential Hydrogen ) scale, rise exponentialy, thus, a lake with a pH of 4 is ten times as acidic as a lake with a pH of 5, and a lake with a pH of 3 is 100 times as acidic, After many rain falls of Acid rain, the pH of a normal lake ( 5.8 ) to 4. Acid Rain has been known to reach the acidicy of pH 2, ( battery acid has a pH if 1 ) this is a drastic change, as normal rain is average pH 5.2. Acid Rain can dissolve limestone and chalk, and corrodes outdoor structures. Statues and monuments that are left unprotected can fall victim to the unpredjudiced destruction of acid rain. Acid Rain reacts to different types of soil and rocks in two ways. 1) Acid rain will dissolve alkaline rocks and soil, or will neutralize the alkalinity. 2) Acid rain will increase the acidicy of already acidic rocks and soil, such as granite, or the soil which results from corroded granite. Acidic chemicals, and alkaline chemicals react to each other by reducing the alkalinity or acidicy of each other. Which ever has the strongest pH level, usually will neutralize or reduce the pH of the other, but after the reaction is complete, both substances have undoubtably changed, their pH moved closer to neutral ( pH 7 ).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

History of communications Essay

In the essay ‘History of communications’, author has tried to make us travel the whole distance right from the beginning when there was no source of communication to today’s world where we have telephone, internet etc. The artist wants us to understand how important means of communication is for us and how difficult it was to invent and implement them. Today’s age can be called as ‘Informative age’ where we can communicate in seconds through latest technology and to any part of the world. The uthor wants us to think about how the life could have been when no such facility was available for our ancestors. Also take pain to think about how they got here and who all were involved in making as well as implementing them to reach the place they are today. The innovative means of communication was different in different countries like Phoenician alphabet in China, use of pigeons in Ancient Greece and many more. Here the author wants to concentrate on the infrastructure for communication that was based on lectronic technologies in 19th and 20th century United States. Importance is given to the people who invented these technologies and developed them further for easy use. There is a relationship between social and technological aspects of society that binds people together. Many other developments like social, political, economic and cultural depend upon the development in communication system. One cannot think of development in any field unless one is able to communicate with other. Society is developed only when communication is perfect and people are able to help each other, as effort of one person cannot make any difference. According to my view the author here has concentrated much on inventions and their developments along with problems faced during implementations. The main central point of making people think about the facts is lacking behind and is dealt in the end of the essay.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay on Strategic Planning Analysis National Institute of HealthEssay Writing Service

Essay on Strategic Planning Analysis National Institute of HealthEssay Writing Service Essay on Strategic Planning Analysis: National Institute of Health Essay on Strategic Planning Analysis: National Institute of HealthThe National Institute of Health is the biomedical research facility and the agency of the US government responsible for biomedical research activities. The institute conducts studies in the field of biomedicine to assess current risks and threats to the public health, develop programs of the prevention of those threats and elaborate on effective policies that minimize risks and threats associated with biomedical factors, as well as many other issues related to biomedical studies. At the same time, the National Institute of Health is an important agency that performs an important part in the development of the biomedical science in the US and conducts biomedical studies, which have a considerable impact on the development of science, health care and other important areas of the life of the US. In actuality, the National Institute of Health is the major institution in the field of biomedical studies but its position is still quite challenging because of its high level of dependence on government contracts and funding and the possible threat of stiffening of the competition from the part of private organizations and institutions.Internal and external assessmentThe internal and external assessment of the National Institute of Health involves the detailed internal and external analysis of the organization focusing on its internal strengths and weaknesses and external threats and opportunities (Corbyn, 2011). These factors have a considerable impact on the development of the National Institute of Health and determine its further progress.Internal strengths of the National Institute of Health are diverse and substantial. In this regard, it is worth mentioning three major strengths of the institute, including the solid scientific basis, human resources, and innovative technologies and equipment available to employees working in the institute. The solid scientific basis involves the available findings an d scientific developments in the field of biomedical studies, which are advanced and allow the institute to take the leading position in the US in biomedical studies. Human resources comprise the intellectual core of the institute because the institute unites the most prospective scientists working in the field of biomedical studies, who can work in the institute either as intramural or extramural professionals, i.e. professionals which are either employed directly by the National Institute of Health or which are contracted for specific projects respectively (Costello, 2010). In addition, the equipment available to professionals working in the National Institute of Health is, to a significant extent, unique because a large part of the equipment has been developed for specific needs of the institute and is exclusive that means that there are either a few or no similar equipment in other institutions in the US or even worldwide.Internal weaknesses of the institute are relatively few, but still they may and do interfere in the overall performance of the institute. Internal weaknesses of the National Institute of Health include certain bureaucratization of its organizational structure, the government control and, therefore, dependence on the government funding of the institute, and the risk of the poor communication within the growing institute. The emerging bureaucracy of the National Institute of Health is the result of the growth of the institute and expansion of its operations. The institute opens new units and departments but such growth raises the problem of bureaucratization that decreases the organizational performance of the institute. The government control and high dependence of the institute on the government funding limits its financial opportunities and, in a way, scope of studies conducted by researchers working in the institute, because they have to focus on specific tasks set by the government rather than on tasks and issues of their interest. At the same time, the expansion of the National Institute of Health raises the problem of the deterioration of communication between its outlets, units and professionals working in the institute. Communication gaps can also deteriorate consistently the organizational performance of the institute.External opportunities of the National Institute of Health are substantial and they open the way for the further progress of the institute to take one of the leading positions in the US. In fact, the National Institute of Health can become the leader in the field of biomedical studies and, thus, concentrate the major scientific projects in this field within the institute (Corbyn, 2011). At the moment, the National Institute of Health holds the leading position in the US due to the accumulation of considerable financial, technical and scientific resources within the institute. More important, the institute employs the most prospective scientists that puts it into the leading position in the fiel d of biomedical studies in the US.Another opportunity of the National Institute of Health is the possibility of the development of international cooperation that opens the way for the expansion of the institute operations and collaborations with global and international institutions. As the international cooperation in the field of science and biomedical studies, in particular, keeps progressing, the National Institute of Health has an opportunity to boost its cooperation at the international level and expand the scope of its operations internationally (Karp, et al., 2008). As a result, the institute can get access to international markets as well as international human resources, which can accelerate the development of the National Institute of Health even more.In addition, the National Institute of Health can attract professionals and research institutions for the further collaboration, including the development of projects under the institute brand for private companies, non-prof it organizations or states. The closer international cooperation can enhance the competitive position of the National Institute of Health in international markets. The institute can work on projects not only for the US government or US-based companies but also for international organizations, governments of other countries or private companies based outside the US.External threats include the possible risk of the competition from the part of non-government agencies, the threat of the shortage of funding by the government, and the threat of possible changes in the government policies that can make the National Institute of Health unattractive for scientists and researchers, who are not employed in the institute as intramural professionals. The risk of the growing competition from the part of non-government agencies and institutions is high because private institutions are progressing due to the growing interest of business to biomedical studies, since their finding can be used in dif ferent fields and bring considerable profits.Furthermore, the threat of the shortage of funding of the National Institute of Health by the government is quite high since, in the time of economic downturns, the government can start saving costs and the institute may become one of the ‘victims’ of such government costs cuts. The decrease of the government funding raises the problem of finding new sources of funding that is a challenge for the National Institute of Health because the institute has accustomed to rely on government projects and funding mainly.In such a situation, the change of the government policy is another threat, which is closely intertwined with the dependence of the National Institute of Health on the government.   The change of the government policy may lead to the reduction of projects related to biomedical studies or change of priorities. In addition, the change of priorities lead to the change in the focus of biomedical studies, while many resear chers work on their projects for years and, after unexpected changes of government policies and priorities, their projects may face the risk of being shut down that will put under a threat their scientific career.Competitive marketing analysis  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The current position of the National Institute of Health is quite strong in terms of rivalry because the institute is the government agency that relies on government contracts, funding and policies (Costello, 2010). On the one hand, such dependence on the government makes the position of the institute fragile, in case of the emergence of stiff competition from the part of private institutions and organizations. On the other hand, the National Institute of Health can count on the stable support and contracts from the government that virtually guarantees the institute the steady development in the future.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The current competitive position of the National Insti tute of Health is unchallenging but there is a threat of new entrants and emergence of substitutes, especially if other institutions will expand the scope of their studies and focus on biomedical studies (Costello, 2010). As a result, the government may just refuse from the National Institute of Health and prefer more universal research institutions that provide the broader scope of research and focus not only on biomedical studies but also on other studies as well. On the other hand, there is no institution in the US that has such a solid scientific basis in the field of biomedical science that enhances the position of the National Institute of Health because its re-organization or replacement by another institution would lead to the step back in the development of biomedical studies in the US. The US government is hardly ready for such a step back at the moment, taking into consideration the growing importance of biomedical studies in the modern science and medicine ().Identificat ion of stakeholders  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In actuality, the National Institute of Health has multiple stakeholders, among which it is possible to single out scientists and researchers working in the institute, the managerial staff of the institute, the government, other agencies related to biomedical studies, citizens, who rely heavily on scientific studies and findings made in the National Institute of Health that can help to prevent numerous threats to the public health in the US. Scientists comprise the core of the intellectual basis of the institute and they are the major asset of the institute. The managerial staff of the institute is also extremely important, taking into consideration the growing organizational complexity of the National Institute of Health. The government is the major customer of the National Institute of Health and, at the same time, its major source of funding and the stakeholder that determines the further development of the institute . Other agencies related to biomedical studies perform a significant part but they rather support the development of the National Institute of Health and cannot change it consistently. Finally, citizens are stakeholders, whom the National Institute of Health is actually working for. Biomedical studies conducted by scientists in the National Institute of Health or contracted by the institute for particular projects work for the public safety, health and well-being.Competencies and resources  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Core competencies of the National Institute of Health and professionals working in the institution are closely related to biomedical science. Professionals working in the institute should be proficient in biomedical science and have extensive experience in this field (Corbyn, 2011). At the same time, they should be able to develop and introduce innovation and success-oriented. Otherwise, they will be unable to perform effectively in the National Institut e of Health.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As for resources, it is possible to distinguish human resources, financial resources, and technical resources the National Institute of Health requires for its stable performance. Human resources comprise the main asset of the institute, but government funding is essential for its stable performance and retention of the personnel. As for technical resources, they contribute to the formation of a solid scientific basis of the institute and allow scientists to conduct their studies and experiments in the field of biomedical science.Current and future directions of the organizationAt the moment, the National Institute of Health sets the following goals to achieve:to foster fundamental creative discoveries, innovative research strategies, and their applications as a basis for ultimately protecting and improving health;to develop, maintain, and renew scientific human and physical resources that will ensure the Nations capability to prevent disease;to expand the knowledge base in medical and associated sciences in order to enhance the Nations economic well-being and ensure a continued high return on the public investment in research; andto exemplify and promote the highest level of scientific integrity, public accountability, and social responsibility in the conduct of science (NIH, 2014).To achieve the aforementioned goals, the National Institute of Health provides leadership and direction to programs designed to improve the health of the Nation by conducting and supporting research:in the causes, diagnosis, prevention, and cure of human diseases;in the processes of human growth and development;in the biological effects of environmental contaminants;in the understanding of mental, addictive and physical disorders; andin directing programs for the collection, dissemination, and exchange of information in medicine and health, including the development and support of medical libraries and the training of medical librarians and other health information specialists (NIH, 2014).The National Institute of Health holds the leading position in the US in the field of biomedical studies. In the future, the institute is likely to retain and enhance its position with the possibility of the international expansion.Conclusion  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus, the National Institute of Health holds a strong position in the US and has the potential to keep growing not only in the US but also internationally. The National Institute of Health has a solid scientific basis and employs the most prospective scientists working in the field of biomedical studies. Even though the institute relies heavily on the government, it still has a considerable potential for the further growth and deeper cooperation with private companies, international organizations, and other governments.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Job Prospects for ESL Teachers in the U.S.

Job Prospects for ESL Teachers in the U.S. If youve ever thought about changing professions to become an ESL teacher, now is the time. Increasing demand for ESL teachers has created a multitude of ESL job opportunities in the US. These ESL jobs are being offered by states which are offering a number of job training opportunities for those not already qualified to teach ESL. There are two principle types of ESL jobs that are in demand; positions which require bilingual teachers (Spanish and English) to teach bilingual classes, and ESL positions for English-only classes for speakers who have a limited ability in English (LEP: limited English proficiency). Recently, the industry has moved away from speaking about ESL and has turned to ELL (English language learners) as the preferred acronym.   ESL Job Demand Facts Here are some statistics that point to the great need: According to the  National Center for Education Statistcs, In school year, 27 percent of all schools with bilingual/ESL teaching vacancies found them very difficult or impossible to fill, more than for many other teaching fields. Since this report, the number of ESL job vacancies has grown rapidly.From the same report: As the number of children with difficulty speaking English has increased (from 1.25 million in 1979 to 2.44 million in 1995), so has the burden on school systems to recruit teachers with the skills necessary to teach these classes. The difficulty schools have in filling such positions is one indication of whether the supply of bilingual and ESL teachers is adequate to meet the demand.The number of LEP speakers grew 104.7%, from 2,154,781 in 1989 to 4,416,580 in 2000 according to a survey performed by the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition. Now for the good news: As a means of meeting the ESL job demand a number of special programs have been implemented around the United States for non-certified teachers. These programs provide an excellent means for teachers who have not taught in the State education system to take advantage of these opportunities. Even more exciting, it provides an opportunity for those from a wide variety of backgrounds to become ESL teachers. Some of these even provide a financial bonus (for example a bonus of up to $20,000 in Massachusetts) for joining their programs! Teachers are needed throughout the country, but principally in large urban centers with high immigrant populations.   Education Required In the U.S., the minimum requirement for programs is a bachelors degree and some sort of ESL qualification. Depending on the school, the qualification required might be as simple as a months certificate such as the CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). The CELTA is accepted around the world. However, there are other institutions that provide training online and in weekend courses. If youd like to teach in a community college or at a university, youll need at least a masters degree preferably with a specialization with ESL.   For those who would like to teach in public schools (where demand is growing), states require additional certification with different requirements for each state. Its best to look into the certification requirements in the state in which you would like to work.   Business English or English for Special Purposes teachers are in high demand outside of the country and are often hired by individual firms to teach staff.  Unfortunately, in the United States, private companies rarely hire in-house teachers.   Pay Despite the need for quality ESL programs, pay remains rather low except at larger accredited institutions such as universities. You can find out about average salaries in each state. Generally speaking, universities pay best followed by public school programs. Private institutions can vary widely from near minimum-wage to much better-paid positions.   To meet the growing demand for ESL teachers, a number of websites have created invaluable resources for the recruitment of teachers. This guide provides some tips on becoming an ESL teacher. Other opportunities are open to those who are in mid-career  or do not have the exact teacher certification required by any individual state for ESL jobs in the public school system. For more information on teaching ESL in the United States, TESOL is the leading association and provides a great deal of information.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Gaining a competitive advantag essays

Gaining a competitive advantag essays Gaining a competitive advantage through ERP Organizations today confront new markets, new competition and increasing customer expectations. Thus today's organizations have to constantly re-engineer their business practices and procedures to be more and more responsive to customers and competition. In the 1990's Information technology and Business Process re-engineering, used in conjunction with each other, have emerged as important tools which give organizations the leading edge. The efficiency of an enterprise depends on the quick flow of information across the complete supply chain i.e. from the customer to manufacturers to supplier. ERP (Enterprise resource planning) systems, have been a major information technology that has been used by businesses today, in hopes of gaining a competitive advantage. But this advantage seems only plausible if the implementation is coupled with process re-engineering, as well. ERP is an enterprise wide system that integrates primary business applications, including all areas and levels of an organization. All the applications in an ERP suite share a common set of data that is stored in a central database. It aims to serve as a backbone for your whole computing business, integrating key business and management processes to provide a sky-level view of much of what's going on in your organization. A typical ERP system provides applications for accounting and controlling, production and materials management, quality management, plant maintenance, sales and distribution, human resources, and project management. In the 1990s, most companies have experienced business process re-engineering and implemented ERP or other packaged software. ERP is difficult to implement. Often, firms adapt their business processes to the ERP system, rather than the other way around. This translates to using business processes similar to those of competitors and losing competitive advantage. Moreover, ERP systems only ad...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Chapter 2 summary of Understanding Comic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chapter 2 summary of Understanding Comic - Essay Example Scott made use of this instance to show one of the numerous uses of icons, or images used to characterize a person, thing, place or idea. In this chapter the writer describes that there are three different kinds of icons which are Symbols, including peace symbols, party logos, and the similar, are one type. The letters of the alphabets and mathematical operators and numeric are the second type. The third and the last type of icons are the pictures which are the images designed to actually look like their subjects. The writer looks in detail at the conception of the artistic types that are Language, realistic art and icons and symbols, and the standards behinds these forms. The writer explains that there is a big variation between realism and abstraction, and this chapter explains how the more abstract art of cartoons can often let for a improved expression of standards than to their basic form and focus on only significant details. This basic form also allows a wide categorization of their images, letting more people to willingly understand them and to see themselves in the artwork, explaining why people have such an association with cartoons particularly at a young age. The writer also looks at a number of comics and their creative merit on a degree between ‘reality, sense and the picture plain’ and how diverse position on this scale can create an range of meanings to different people. In the same way, we took a look on how different types of animations or artworks are used in a variety of customs to impact on their audience in definite ways. For example, how Disney would use big eyes and other attractive features on little Simba in the Lion King movie to appeal to the younger audience, or how Japanese manga will use colorful face alterations in an extremely abstract form to appeal to the funny side of the Japanese youths. Fundamentally, the focus of the writer in this chapter was to detail how comics use the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Casey Anthony Investigation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Casey Anthony Investigation - Term Paper Example Her grandmother also explained that her mother had only reported not seeing Caylee for almost a month, after giving different explanations regarding where she was. Casey Anthony was also untruthful to the case’s detectives, for instance, claiming that she thought her nanny had kidnapped Caylee on the 9th of June, adding that, too afraid to contact the police, she had been trying to find her. In October of 2008, Casey Anthony was charged with 1st degree murder (Lundy et al, 2008). To this charge, she pled not guilty. Caylee’s remains were discovered in a wooded area adjacent to the family home five months later. Initial reports from the investigation and testimony in the trial pointed to duct tape being discovered on the skull’s mouth and front (Walensky, 2011). The trial lasted for approximately six weeks in 2011, during which time the prosecution asked the Court for Casey to receive the death penalty. They claimed that her mother who wanted out of parental dutie s, used chloroform to knock her out and suffocated her with duct tape had murdered Caylee. Jose Baez, countering on behalf of the defense team, claimed that, on June 16, Caylee had drowned in the Anthony’s pool and that her grandfather had sought to hide the body. Evidence in the Casey Anthony Case Roy Kronk first alerted the police to the presence of a suspicious object in August after coming across it on his job as a meter reader. The area where he discovered this object was in a wooded area that lay adjacent to the Anthony’s house. After failing to get through the first time, he managed to get police officers to look at the scene. However, they did not find anything despite Roy telling them to look for something that looked kike a skull in a bag. Roy called a second time in December to report the same thing and, this time, the police found Caylee’s remains in a gray bag together with duct tape (Walensky, 2011). The tape was attached to the little skullâ€℠¢s hair, and the police uncovered more bones after a more thorough search of the area around the discovery. Dr. Jan Garavaglia, the medical examiner in the Casey Case found that the child remains discovered were actually those of baby Caylee and that she had been murdered, although she could not determine what caused her death. Investigation of evidence discovered at the crime scene was also carried out through computer technology. Software from the computer investigations department, under the control of Dennis Bradley, also investigated the computer utilized by Casey Anthony, treating it as a crime scene (Walensky, 2011). Investigations showed that the user had conducted a whooping eighty-four searches on chloroform. However, Dennis admitted that the software had a flaw that had caused it to process erroneously forensic information. Apparently, Casey Anthony had only searched for chloroform once. In addition, the search result that the user had opened was concerned with how 19th c entury man had used the chemical (Walensky, 2011). The Casey Anthony prosecuting team presented close to 400 items of evidence, some of it put together from the crime scene investigation. During the investigation, investigators discovered a single strand of hair in Casey Anthony’s car that was genetically similar to another strand recovered from a hairbrush that belonged to Caylee (Walensky, 2011). The investigators could also determine that the former strand had come from a dead body because the hair root showed dark banding,

Finacial management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Finacial management - Essay Example Therefore, as a matter of investment objectives, the study turns to somewhat outrule the relevance of Payback Period, Internal rate of return (IRR) and Overall rate of return (ORR) investment appraisal techniques and invites to focus on Life-Cycle/Whole life Cost Analysis (LCCA/WLCA), NPV, Net Benefits (NB) and Net Savings (NS), Benefit-to-cost ratio (BCR) and Savings-to-investment ratio (SIR) appraisal techniques. Term 'somewhat' in this case refers to the existence of profit-bearing or cash inflow-bearing opportunities connected with letting office space to another governmental institution (department (A)) for a rent paid yearly. There are many methods available to calculate specific economic performance measures. Used appropriately, these methods allow the investor to analyze the economic consequences of particular decisions and fairly evaluate alternative approaches. The various economic analysis methods include: Net Benefits (NB) and Net Savings (NS) are analytical methods used to describe time-adjusted economic benefits or savings between competing alternatives. NB is used to examine how costs of competing alternatives impact investment opportunities (e.g. ... NB is used to examine how costs of competing alternatives impact investment opportunities (e.g. real estate income or factory output) measured in positive outcomes relative to a base case. The NS method is the NB method recast to fit the situation where there are no important benefits in terms of revenue, but there are reductions in future costs (savings). Benefit-to-cost ratio (BCR) and Savings-to-investment ratio (SIR) are numerical ratios whose size indicates the economic performance of an investment. For example, a BCR of 1.5 means that one can expect to realize $1.50 for every $1.00 invested in the project over and above the required (baseline) rate of return. A primary application of BCR and SIR is to set funding priorities among competing projects when there is a limited overall program budget. Internal rate of return (IRR) is a measure of the annual percentage yield on investment. The IRR is compared against the investor's minimum acceptable rate of return to determine the economic attractiveness of the investment. This often misunderstood method is primarily used in Pro forma analysis in industrial and financial circles. Overall rate of return (ORR) is the annual yield from a project over the study period, taking into account reinvestment of interim receipts. Project earnings and earnings from reinvestment are accumulated to the end of the study period and set equal to the present value of cost to compute the ORR. This method offers another means of analyzing and ranking the economic performance expectations of competing alternatives. Discounted payback (DPB) and Simple payback (SPB) measure the time required to recover investment costs. If one ignores the time value of money (assume a zero discount rate), the method is called

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, a Shared Faith Assignment

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, a Shared Faith - Assignment Example If not for lesser details of greater complications, these religions would be precisely the same. What a unified body of worshippers that would make! But there are discrepancies even among fellow believers. This paper is not about these discrepancies, but about the relative philosophies among believers of these three separate yet united religions. Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been intertwined throughout history by the certain commonality they share in theology, all three are monotheistic (believing in one God) and conceive God to be the Creator and also the source of moral law. The same figures, histories and places are prevalent in each, although they are frequently presented with different roles, perspectives and meanings. 54% of the world’s population consider themselves of the Abrahamic religion. These religions share the collective belief that Adam was the first man created and ancestor of all human beings, Abraham is a prophet and the Torah (which is comprised of the first five books of the old-testament) as being a revelation of God. The holy scripture Jews read is called the Tanach, which is the Torah. Christians study The Holy Bible, both the old and new testaments. And the Muslims follow the Quar’an. All three of these works cover the first 5 old testaments, and the lessons of such prophets as Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Noah, and the list goes on. The fact these religions are monotheistic is the most significant unity between them. In Judaism and Islam, the monotheism of God is absolute including of God’s essence. In Christianity there is a doctrine titled Trinity which says that God exists as 3 persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit united in one being. Christians believe Jesus is God, Jews and Muslims deny this stating that God is too powerful to be reduced to a man that has such needs as eating and sleeping, and who could be beaten, and experience death as Jesus did. They attest that no savior is needed or available as an in termediary for us. Islam regards Jesus not as God, but only a human being that became a magnificent messenger of God, and was God’s word brought to Earth. Jews not only deny Jesus as God but as a prophet as well believing the true messiah the word promises has not come yet, but will arrive at a future place in time. Just as Jews refuse Jesus, so too do many Jews and Christians refuse Muhammad, a prophet singular to Islam religion, visited by the angel Gabriel who brought the final message of God to Earth. Christians share with Muslims the belief in the second coming of Jesus, yet they are split in this joint notion as Christians believe this will be the time of rapture and the final judgment day and Muslims believe Jesus coming will be only to kill the false messiah and restore God’s people once again leading them through this treacherous time. Jesus will rule and then die forty years after leaving behind him a world cleaned and restored to true religion, the religion of Islam. Aside from monotheism, some other mutual views of God these religions hold are that God will reward the good and punish the wicked, God knows the thoughts and deeds of men, the dead will be resurrected, and a personal relationship with God is within everyone’s grasp. We can return to God always through repentance, perfection is not expected of His creation. Following God’s commandments in this physical world connects us to God spiritually and our mission on Earth is to proclaim the glory of God and His existence everywhere. All three religions maintain that life is a test and we will all be judged by God after death since He

Thursday, October 17, 2019

GDP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

GDP - Essay Example increases real GDP demanded, and an increase in net taxes decreases real GDP demanded, other things remain constant. 4) Give short definitions of both the IS and LM curves and briefly explain how this model can help economists understand the interaction between the goods and money markets. Show how the IS and LM curves can be derived and explain how equilibrium is reached. The IS curve describes the combination of interest rates and output that clear the goods and services market in the short run. The goods and services market is said to clear when spending by consumers, firms, the government (and foreigners if an open economy) on goods and services equals the production of goods and services. The basic equation for the IS curve in a closed economy is closely related to the national income accounting identity Y = C+I+G, where Y is GDP The LM curve summarizes all the combinations of income and interest rates that equate money demand and money supply. The LM curve in conjunction with the IS curve will help pin down the interest rate in the economy. It is well known that establishing the elasticity of the IS and LM curves provides basic information about the predicted outcome of fiscal and monetary policies in a given model, with a combination of inelastic LM and elastic IS implying fiscal crowding out and potent monetary policy, whereas elastic LM and inelastic IS lead to potent fiscal and weak monetary effects. Estimation of these locuses 5) Distinguish between monetary base and broad money. Explain what role commercial banks have in the creation of broad money. What implications does this have for monetary control The monetary base consists of the liabilities of central bank of a country which...Show how the IS and LM curves can be derived and explain how equilibrium is reached. 6) Distinguish between different kinds of unemployment. What kind of unemployment can be reduced by supply side policies and what specifically could those policies be Use a diagram to explain these policies 1) Using the Keynesian model of injections and withdrawals in the goods market, explain what happens if people decides to save more at any level of income. Make sure you express the process of adjustment and assess what implications the results may have for policy.

Research Paper for College Course -- Introduction to Microeconomics

For College Course -- Introduction to Microeconomics - Research Paper Example Smith is credited with being the first to examine the importance of the division of labor and worker productivity and for advancing the idea that free markets thrive on the basis of mutual self-interest. Although Smith warned against monopolies and mercantilism, his notion that markets are driven toward the public good by an "invisible hand" has made him a venerated figure among free market doctrinaires. ( The purpose of this paper is to describe the pros and cons of free trade. Trade allowed nations to obtain the goods and services the population needed in order to survive. In the 20th century the ability to trade with other nations became a critical success factor for many nations including the United States of America. Today free trade is practiced by many nations in the world. More than ever before in history we see that free trade agreements are being sought by the world’s most powerful countries, as well as the developing nations. In short, free trade agreements are now high on the political agendas of many nations and the World Trade Organization. The globalization movement has been instrumental in forcing nations to enter into free trade agreement. In North America the free trade agreement that is enforceable is the NAFTA agreement. The NAFTA opened up free trade between the United States, Mexico, and Canada. â€Å"NAFTA was designed to promote economic growth by spurring competition in domestic markets and promoting investment from both domestic and foreign sources† (Teslik). The reason that NAFTA was initiated was because President Bill Clinton in 1994 saw the European Union as a threat to the Americas. A free trade agreement between the United States and its two neighbors was crafted to be a plausible solution that would offset the growing global economic trading power of the European Union. The implementation of free trade agreements eliminates the imposition of tariffs in the trade of goods. As a consequence of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, a Shared Faith Assignment

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, a Shared Faith - Assignment Example If not for lesser details of greater complications, these religions would be precisely the same. What a unified body of worshippers that would make! But there are discrepancies even among fellow believers. This paper is not about these discrepancies, but about the relative philosophies among believers of these three separate yet united religions. Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been intertwined throughout history by the certain commonality they share in theology, all three are monotheistic (believing in one God) and conceive God to be the Creator and also the source of moral law. The same figures, histories and places are prevalent in each, although they are frequently presented with different roles, perspectives and meanings. 54% of the world’s population consider themselves of the Abrahamic religion. These religions share the collective belief that Adam was the first man created and ancestor of all human beings, Abraham is a prophet and the Torah (which is comprised of the first five books of the old-testament) as being a revelation of God. The holy scripture Jews read is called the Tanach, which is the Torah. Christians study The Holy Bible, both the old and new testaments. And the Muslims follow the Quar’an. All three of these works cover the first 5 old testaments, and the lessons of such prophets as Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Noah, and the list goes on. The fact these religions are monotheistic is the most significant unity between them. In Judaism and Islam, the monotheism of God is absolute including of God’s essence. In Christianity there is a doctrine titled Trinity which says that God exists as 3 persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit united in one being. Christians believe Jesus is God, Jews and Muslims deny this stating that God is too powerful to be reduced to a man that has such needs as eating and sleeping, and who could be beaten, and experience death as Jesus did. They attest that no savior is needed or available as an in termediary for us. Islam regards Jesus not as God, but only a human being that became a magnificent messenger of God, and was God’s word brought to Earth. Jews not only deny Jesus as God but as a prophet as well believing the true messiah the word promises has not come yet, but will arrive at a future place in time. Just as Jews refuse Jesus, so too do many Jews and Christians refuse Muhammad, a prophet singular to Islam religion, visited by the angel Gabriel who brought the final message of God to Earth. Christians share with Muslims the belief in the second coming of Jesus, yet they are split in this joint notion as Christians believe this will be the time of rapture and the final judgment day and Muslims believe Jesus coming will be only to kill the false messiah and restore God’s people once again leading them through this treacherous time. Jesus will rule and then die forty years after leaving behind him a world cleaned and restored to true religion, the religion of Islam. Aside from monotheism, some other mutual views of God these religions hold are that God will reward the good and punish the wicked, God knows the thoughts and deeds of men, the dead will be resurrected, and a personal relationship with God is within everyone’s grasp. We can return to God always through repentance, perfection is not expected of His creation. Following God’s commandments in this physical world connects us to God spiritually and our mission on Earth is to proclaim the glory of God and His existence everywhere. All three religions maintain that life is a test and we will all be judged by God after death since He

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Research Paper for College Course -- Introduction to Microeconomics

For College Course -- Introduction to Microeconomics - Research Paper Example Smith is credited with being the first to examine the importance of the division of labor and worker productivity and for advancing the idea that free markets thrive on the basis of mutual self-interest. Although Smith warned against monopolies and mercantilism, his notion that markets are driven toward the public good by an "invisible hand" has made him a venerated figure among free market doctrinaires. ( The purpose of this paper is to describe the pros and cons of free trade. Trade allowed nations to obtain the goods and services the population needed in order to survive. In the 20th century the ability to trade with other nations became a critical success factor for many nations including the United States of America. Today free trade is practiced by many nations in the world. More than ever before in history we see that free trade agreements are being sought by the world’s most powerful countries, as well as the developing nations. In short, free trade agreements are now high on the political agendas of many nations and the World Trade Organization. The globalization movement has been instrumental in forcing nations to enter into free trade agreement. In North America the free trade agreement that is enforceable is the NAFTA agreement. The NAFTA opened up free trade between the United States, Mexico, and Canada. â€Å"NAFTA was designed to promote economic growth by spurring competition in domestic markets and promoting investment from both domestic and foreign sources† (Teslik). The reason that NAFTA was initiated was because President Bill Clinton in 1994 saw the European Union as a threat to the Americas. A free trade agreement between the United States and its two neighbors was crafted to be a plausible solution that would offset the growing global economic trading power of the European Union. The implementation of free trade agreements eliminates the imposition of tariffs in the trade of goods. As a consequence of the

The Recruitment And Retention Process And Documentation In A Selected Organisation Essay Example for Free

The Recruitment And Retention Process And Documentation In A Selected Organisation Essay Recruitment Process The recruitment process of any business is when they try to get new people into their work place. This could be done in many ways such as online advertisements, newspaper adverts, radio broadcasts or shop window displays. The recruitment process can be very long or very short depending on the job in hand and taking the wrong person on without looking closely enough can be costly. Businesses invest a lot of money into new employees, also known as training, if they leave after a month then this is a bad investment and the business is at a loss. The Cooperative’s recruitment process The General Recruitment Process The Cooperative’s Recruitment Process Job Analysis is carried out The Cooperative manager looks at his department in hand and analyses all areas for where a job would maybe be appropriate. This could be in the shop front, tills, or behind the scenes with customer services and stock flow. Job description is prepared The job selected by the Cooperative manager is looked into in detail and a description is typed up online and printed out so that they know what exactly is needed for the job. A person specification is prepared The Cooperative manager then looks into detail about what the person who would be doing the job needs to have and types up a specification. These tell the public what would be needed for the role and give them an idea if they are suitable or not. Plans are made for advertising the job The department manager or marketing department would start to plan on how to advertise the job. The Cooperative normally does their job applications online but also have a print out of the application form to hand in in-store. Sometimes they may place them in the local newspaper if their store is located clearly in a local town. Advertisements are placed The Cooperative manager or marketing department will place the adverts out to the areas that they have decided to place them in and await for a response. Applicants are short listed Once the applicants have started applying for the job then the Cooperative human resources department comes into action by reading the CV’s and narrowing the choice down until they have a select few applicants. References are requested The Cooperative human resources will contact the short listed people and request two references to see how if they are reliable or not. Candidates are invited for interviews and selection tests The human resources team gets all the people from the short list with good referrals in for an interview. In the Cooperative’s process they take tests at the same time to give a guide on the job seeker’s personality, intelligence and attitude. Data obtained from interviews is compared to person specification All of the information obtained from questioning in the cooperative interview is taken down and compared to the actual specification of the person to see if they are being truthful. Anyone that doesn’t necessarily match will be dropped from the short list without question for lying on their CV. Successful candidate is offered the job. After a long process of narrowing down all the application forms the human resources team from the Cooperative get in contact with the successful candidate and tell them that they have got the job. They also tell them the dates in which they are starting and refer them to the FAQ page of the website. All new workers get a mentor they can contact for guidance if they are finding anything hard in their new job at the Cooperative. The Cooperative’s retention process The Cooperative takes time to get all of the right applicants for the job and they came up with effective ways to keep them in the same job. 1. Discounts Discounts on all the products of the Cooperative, up to 20% off on stock and big reductions on reduced product lines. 1. Bonuses Bonuses are shared out between the workers of the Cooperative, more profit for the business means bigger bonuses for the workers. 1. Holidays Longer holidays are offered for people who have been working for a long time. The longer the employees work at the Cooperative the longer their holiday breaks can be. 1. Promotions Promotions of job roles can be offered to those who have excelled in their department and this means a higher pay and more control over a certain department of the Cooperative. Unit 4 Effective people, communication and information P1

Monday, October 14, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Optical Fibers

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Optical Fibers A light travels in straight lines as we know it is highly impossible to make it follow a curved path to glimmer around corners. In 1970s there was a great improvement and faster growing in fibre optics communications. The main idea of light in communication system is evolved from simple signal fires and lamps. Claude chappe has a first modern attempt in optical telegraph built in the 1790s.The first problem was alleviated with the advent of semiconductor age, the semiconductor laser invented by Theodore maiman in 1962 LED(light emitted diode) is improved in optical fibre which solved the problem o0f passing light through air. The communications through optical fibre was proposed in 1966 by Charles Kao and Charles Hockham of the standard telecommunication laboratory in England. In the past few decades many technologies are introduced among them optical fibre communication is the best communication system. The main components of optical fibre are core, cladding and coating. The main duty of core is, it carries a light from transmitter to receiver. Core: It is a smallest part in optical fibre communication system. It is very delicate optical fibre cable Generally it is made up of plastic or glass. The core made up with glass is mixed with pure silicon dioxide other impurities like germanium or phosphorous. These impurities are added to improve the refractive index at certain conditions The range of glass core is from 3.7 µ to 200 µ. 1.48 is the refractive index of core The core made with plastic is larger than glass. Cladding: It is the protective and surrounded layer of core. It provides the low reflective index. In glass cladding the core and cladding is made with same material Different quantity of impurities is added to both core and cladding in order to make a difference in refractive index among them is about 1%. 1.46 is the refractive index of cladding 125 µ and 140 µ are the standard cladding diameters Coating: This is the main protective layer for the entire optical fibre. It protects the optical fibre from shocks and other external damages. Coating has an outside diameter of either 250 µ or 500 µ. Coating is colour less but to identify the coating in some applications it is coloured. 2) Advantages of Fiber optics: The band width of optical fibre is very high when compared with other communications. To increase band width in fibre optics is very easy. Data transmission is very fast in fibre optics. We can transmit data to longer distances without any noise. It is very difficult to tap the information because it is much secured. 3) Disadvantages of Fiber optics: Installation of fibre optics is very cost. When we face any problem with fibre optics we require special test equipment. Communication with fiber optic cable is more cost when compared with different broad band connection costs. In rural areas fiber optic communications are very less, in these days this is one of the main disadvantage of fiber optic. 4) Fibre Optic Losses: Due to bending and breaking of optical fibre cables losses are occurred in fibre optics. Mainly there are two types. Intrinsic losses. Extrinsic losses. 4.1) Intrinsic losses: A slight variation from one fibre to another fibre even manufactured with in specified tolerances. Losses are occurred by these variations. In Intrinsic losses there are four types of losses. They are NA (Numerical Aperture) mismatch losses. Core diameters mismatch losses. Concentric mismatch losses. Elliptical mismatch losses. Cladding diameter mismatch loss. 1) NA (Numerical Aperture) mismatches losses: If there are two optical fibres are repaired we are connecting them with splices during this connection mismatches are occurred because the cone of acceptance in the receiving fiber cannot gather the complete light emitted by the transmitting fiber. This means the light is not travelling completely. This mismatch loss is known as numerical aperture mismatch loss. 2) Core diameter mismatch losses: The difference between the core diameters is the reason of this loss. When the transmitting core greater than the receiving core or transmitting core is lesser than the receiving core light is not completely travelling. This type of mismatch is called as Core diameter mismatch losses. 3) Concentric mismatch losses: In ideal conditions the core the core and cladding are concentric, that means a single geometric centre is shared between them. The fibre core is likely to be offset by a slight amount from the cladding centre. In fiber cores when the transmitting and receiving are non concentric. They will not meet exactly and the light coming from the transmitting fiber is lost. 4) Elliptical mismatch losses: If the fiber cores not the perfectly circular and fiber cores and cladding are not perfectly concentric this types of losses are occurred. The transmitting optical fiber core is not match with receiver core. 5) Cladding diameter mismatch loss. If the diameter of the cladding are not same on the both fiber optics. This type of mismatch is occurred. This means the transmitter light is not completely sending to receiver core. 4.2) Extrinsic losses: Generally in an ideal optical fibre the cores are centred on each other they are placed at 90 degrees angle to their faces. The ends should be in firm contact. Any miss arrangement in these conditions can cause some loses in the signal. There are three types of extrinsic losses. Lateral displacement. End separation. Angular misalignment. 1) Lateral displacement: If the centres of core of two optical fibers are do not match this loss may occur. If the displacement increases less light from the transmitting fiber makes its way into the receiving fibre. A little amount of displacement is acceptable in larger fibers because the majority of the core s surface area is still in contact. In smaller fibers a slight offset can place the centre of the transmitting core entirely outside of the receiver core. 2) End Separation: The end separation loss is due to Fresnel reflection, it takes place when the light passes from fiber refractive index into the air and vice versa. In refractive index each and every change causes an amount of reflected light and therefore the loss is occurred. 3) Angular Misalignment: The optical signal will suffer from these losses when the fibers meet an angle. The solution for this loss is to arrange the fibre end properly that the both ends are in the same line during splicing. 4.3) Major causes of losses: Absorption loss. Scattering loss. Linear scattering losses. Non Linear scattering losses. Coupler losses. Insertion losses. Reflection losses. Impurity losses. Macro bending and micro bending losses. Packing fraction loss. Absorption loss : Absorption loss is occurred by the impurities in the fiber it self such as water and metals. Material absorption losses: Material absorption losses are occurred by absorption of photons within the fiber these losses represent a fundamental minimum to the attainable loss. Intrinsic absorption losses: Interaction with more than one component with glass leads to the intrinsic absorption loss. Scattering loss: I couples energy guided to radiation modes which causes the energy losses from the fiber. If there is a core diameter irregularity in fiber access direction also a reason of scattering losses. Linear Scattering loss: The quantity of light power is transferred from wave is directly proportional to the power in the wave it also causes by inhomogeneties in the glass when the size of it smaller than wave length. Non linear scattering loss: If the electric field with in the fiber has high values then it leads to the presence of non linear scattering ,it also causes when significant power is scattered in all the directions. Coupler loss: The fiber optics coupler are active or passive devices the coupling loss in optical fiber is defined as, = output power =inputpower Connection losses increased by fiber to fiber connection due to the following sources of intrinsic and extrinsic. Mainly we have four types coupling losses 1.Reflectionlosses. 2.Fiber separation. 3.Fiber misalignment. 4.Fiber mismatch Insertion losses: Insertion losses are combination of coupling loss and additional fibre losses. If joints of fiber can increased the attenuation of fibre this is done in multimode operation. Fiber joints can leads to the second order mode in single mode fiber. Reflection losses: Light waves of reflection and transmission occur because frequency do not match the natural resonant frequencies of vibration of object. Impurity losses: The first source of impurities material in glass fibre is metallic ions, the loss due to this reduces the contribution below 1DB/KM. Macro and microbending losses: These loss may occur due to sharp bend in fibre, to produce high losses a short length of optical fibre is to be bend, as tight as the fibre optic the losses are worst. The major problem in macro losses is in the hands of the installer.The losses in micro bends is same as the macro bands but it just differs in the size and cause. The radius is equal or less then the diameter the outer layer will shrink and get shorter when the fibre is too cold, fibre optic cables are available with a range of temperatures from C to C. Macrobend Microbend Packing fractin losses: Single emitter sometimes uses a bundle of fibres, if claddings are in contacts many fibres are packed together. Large area source can match a large bundle in order to eliminate area mismatch loss. Small sources can emit less like than the larger once , in single fibre larger one has more power to couple into a bundle than into a single fibre. Fibre optic as a sensor: Sensor provide link to interface between the electronic units and physical world the sensor can detect physical and chemical qualities such as temperature, pressure, vibration, flow , acceleration, proximity,and chemical concentrations. A basic sensor is made upof a light source(laser or led), a length of fibre and optical detector. Fibre optic itself acts as a sensor by varying he intensity of light these measurements are done. Only the source and the detector is required in the sensors hence it is very simpler. Based on the performance characteristics there are four different types of sensors they are 1. Extrinsic sensors. 2. Intrinsic sensors. 3. Fibre bragg grating (FBG sensors). 4. Long period grating sensor. Extrinsic sensor: In extrinsic sensors the outside part of the fibre undergoes to the sensing effect. The fibre acts as a collection system in light delivery. For example a chemical sensor utilizes a sensitive material on the tip, light is passà © through the fibre and reflected back. In the chemical solution as the concentration changes the tip properties may change and the reflection of the light also changes which gives the measure of chemical concentration. Intrinsic sensor: In intrinsic sensor the changes takes place within the fibre. The change is outside the fibre and the fibre remains unchanged when the intrinsic sensor is in contract to extrinsic sensors. For example when a fibre with ruff surfaces is placed between two plates, the fibre is pressed by the plates when the pressure increases the attenuation of the fibre increases due to this. Bend and micro bend sensor: Bent in a optical fibre leads to a portion of propagating light beam along the bend is incident at angles must be smaller than the critical angle by which attenuation, this can be used for sensing measure load and stream are found by this mechanism, lose of power occurs if any load lead to a bending of fibre. This measure gives the distribution of strain and load with the use of lost power. A series of random bends and small bends along the fibre is known a micro bending. It acts as a coupling between cladding and core modes in a single mode fibre and between multimode fibre. Fibre bragg grating(FBG Sensor): TO MEASURE TEMPERATURE AND STRAIN: To measure sensing mechanical strain, temperature and acceleration we use FBG sensors. Parameters that changes any of these results in a change in reflected wavelength, these changes when measured, sensing or external perturbations can be done. Long period grating sensor: Periodic perturbations along the length of the fibre with periods greater than hundred micro meters which includes coupling between the light propagating in core and cladding is long period grating. Cladding code influence the power transmitter through the fibre used to find the refractive index when there is any change in the medium around the fibre. Interferometric sensors: # In this the light is transmitted through to fibres. one of them (reference arm) isolated from environment and its properties are constant. And another fibre (measure arm) is exposed to parameter during sensing. The face of the light is changed by the parameters. The interferometric sensors has the greatest sensitivity and it has highest performance capabilities. The Interferometric sensor. ( John F.R, 1997, pp-543). ADVANTAGES OF FIBRE OPTICS SENSORS: It allows an access to normally inaccessible areas of interest. It is an non-electrical. Due to small size and less weight of the sensors it effective in cost. It has high sensitivity. It has high reliability. It is very easy to install. Transmitter: Transmitter converts electrical signal into light signal. It has two functions Light emitter Regulator Light emitter: It works as a soirce of light coupled into optical cable. Regulator: It modulates the light to represent the binary data. Light emitting diode: The transmitter are directly modulate when the drive current passed through the LED is varied. The power is directly proportional to the current flowing in the LED. According to the applications the drive currents is measured. The drive current is switched on and off in digital applications. And the current is varied in Analog application. The LED transmitter is packed with the receiver since the space is reduced and simplifies the circuit designing which reduces the cost. Characteristics of the LED: Recommended operating conditions. Electrical characteristics Optical characteristics Data rate Recommended operating conditions: It describe the temperature and voltage ranges that device can operate in without damage. Without any fluctuations the maximum and minimum operating temperatures can be measured. Electrical characteristics: It describes.. the required supply current Data output voltages Signal detect output voltages Rise fall times Optical characteristics: It includes Minimum optical input power Maxcimum optical input power Operating wavelength

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Emotion in T.S. Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay examp

Emotion in T.S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock In his poem â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,† T.S. Eliot subtly conveys a wide variety of Prufrock’s emotions; he creates pathos for the speaker by employing the â€Å"objective correlative,† which Eliot defines as â€Å"a set of objects, a situation, a chain of events [that] shall be the formula of that particular emotion† (â€Å"Hamlet and His Problems†). The first stanza introduces Prufrock’s isolation, as epitomized metaphorically by â€Å"half-deserted streets† (4): while empty streets imply solitude, Eliot’s diction emphasize Prufrock having been abandoned by the other â€Å"half† needed for a relationship or an â€Å"argument† (8). Hoping for a companion, Prufrock speaks to the reader when saying, â€Å"Let us go then, you and I† (1), as he needs to address his lament to an audience; conscious of the reader’s curiosity regarding the â€Å"overwhelming question,† (10) Prufrock answers, â€Å"Oh, do not ask, ‘What is it?’† (11). (The likely explanation for Eliot’s inconsistent use of you in this stanza is Prufrock probably meaning you as â€Å"To lead one,† as he refers to himself and not the reader in line 10.) Eliot continues the metaphor of Prufrock’s lonesomeness by anthropomorphizing the â€Å"yellow fog† and â€Å"smokeâ⠂¬  (15, 16) to signify Prufrock, who interacts not with people, but only the environment in the third, fourth, and fifth stanzas. Clearly it is Prufrock who â€Å"rubs [his] muzzle on the window-panes† (15, 16), passively lets â€Å"fall upon [his] back the soot that falls from chimneys† (19), â€Å"slides along the street† (24), and performs the actions also described; also, the opacity of â€Å"fog† and â€Å"smoke† symbolizes the difficulty with which readers perceive Prufrock’s true character, further separating ... ...ers/you make of them,† (37-9); Prufrock defines his misfortune by women, just as King Lear, also called â€Å"fool,† attributes his madness to women (his daughters). Reminiscent of Hamlet and Lear asking for the procreation of men like themselves to end , Prufrock thus speaks for all people like himself when he sentences those limited by inaction to death. Most likely intentional, the entire poem can be considered a metaphysical conceit designed to create pathos: Eliot uses the extended metaphor of Prufrock not acting, except mentally, and thus dying alone as the objective correlative for Prufrock’s anxiety of choice and consequent despair. Work Cited Eliot, T.S.. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York: Norton, 1996. Pinion, F. B. A T.S. Eliot Companion. Totowa: Barnes & Noble Books, 1986. Emotion in T.S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay examp Emotion in T.S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock In his poem â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,† T.S. Eliot subtly conveys a wide variety of Prufrock’s emotions; he creates pathos for the speaker by employing the â€Å"objective correlative,† which Eliot defines as â€Å"a set of objects, a situation, a chain of events [that] shall be the formula of that particular emotion† (â€Å"Hamlet and His Problems†). The first stanza introduces Prufrock’s isolation, as epitomized metaphorically by â€Å"half-deserted streets† (4): while empty streets imply solitude, Eliot’s diction emphasize Prufrock having been abandoned by the other â€Å"half† needed for a relationship or an â€Å"argument† (8). Hoping for a companion, Prufrock speaks to the reader when saying, â€Å"Let us go then, you and I† (1), as he needs to address his lament to an audience; conscious of the reader’s curiosity regarding the â€Å"overwhelming question,† (10) Prufrock answers, â€Å"Oh, do not ask, ‘What is it?’† (11). (The likely explanation for Eliot’s inconsistent use of you in this stanza is Prufrock probably meaning you as â€Å"To lead one,† as he refers to himself and not the reader in line 10.) Eliot continues the metaphor of Prufrock’s lonesomeness by anthropomorphizing the â€Å"yellow fog† and â€Å"smokeâ⠂¬  (15, 16) to signify Prufrock, who interacts not with people, but only the environment in the third, fourth, and fifth stanzas. Clearly it is Prufrock who â€Å"rubs [his] muzzle on the window-panes† (15, 16), passively lets â€Å"fall upon [his] back the soot that falls from chimneys† (19), â€Å"slides along the street† (24), and performs the actions also described; also, the opacity of â€Å"fog† and â€Å"smoke† symbolizes the difficulty with which readers perceive Prufrock’s true character, further separating ... ...ers/you make of them,† (37-9); Prufrock defines his misfortune by women, just as King Lear, also called â€Å"fool,† attributes his madness to women (his daughters). Reminiscent of Hamlet and Lear asking for the procreation of men like themselves to end , Prufrock thus speaks for all people like himself when he sentences those limited by inaction to death. Most likely intentional, the entire poem can be considered a metaphysical conceit designed to create pathos: Eliot uses the extended metaphor of Prufrock not acting, except mentally, and thus dying alone as the objective correlative for Prufrock’s anxiety of choice and consequent despair. Work Cited Eliot, T.S.. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York: Norton, 1996. Pinion, F. B. A T.S. Eliot Companion. Totowa: Barnes & Noble Books, 1986.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

double standards and church and state :: essays research papers

Double standards are when there are a set of rules for one set of people and another set of rules for another set of people. How dose this pretain to the seperation of church and state do you ask? Relgion in school is my answer. We as students are not supposed to preach our religion in school. But along with that there is also a section within each of our text books that is all about religion. Teachers tell us that those are only classics and we have no reason to complain. Then they expect and incourage us to discuss about the a religiose storys within our text books. This act makes many students religios or not uncomfortable. I know this because I have asked several students how they felt about the issue. One student had told me how he had to go through a discussion an atheist student had brought up about his thoughts and beleifs on religion. This made the student i asked very uncomfortable and angery at the fact that the atheist student was preaching , as my friend felt, against my friends religion to his class. This act of discussing, as the teachers put it, made this sertain student very angery at the fact that the teacher can sit there and let the student preach against someones beliefs. Knowing that many people, not only the student I spoke to, believed in what the atheist was aposeing. So my friend was not the only one angery at that discussion and not showing it, but many were. This issue of discussion also gose other ways. For example, say a Jewish student was assigned ,along with the rest of the class, a religious short story on a Christian belief. When he returns to the school and the teacher starts a discussion on the story. The teacher explains the back ground of the religion and gets into great detail . To this Jewish student this sound alot like preching the Chrisian beliefs to the class. There could also be a different student in the class that had the same problem and he or she just happens to be a Buddist, Muslim, Mormand, ect. This explaining of the Christian religion could sound like preching to anyone with a different religous back ground. Anyone that can make a student quit reciteing the Pledge of Allegiance every day just because of the statement, "One nation under God".

Friday, October 11, 2019

Othello: a noble character who loses but ultimately regains our sympathy Essay

Othello is most definitely an imperial character who gets assassinated by his â€Å"trusting friend† Iago. We see his nobility from the beginning, Othello is being accused of all sorts of things, still he doesn’t hide and wants to clarify the situation and even lets his wife speak for herself; he continues to prove that he is a right and just character when he is put into the position of breaking the rules to help his friend or to do what is right, which means he had to fire his own friend. From here on Othello’s behaviour is utterly despicable. However I an abundance of sympathy for him, as we know Iago’s plan however Othello can’t help but lose his peace of mind and his personality completely changes. This leaves me with deep sympathy for his human nature of getting jealous so easily. He treats Desdemona appalling and rules over without giving her an opportunity to prove herself; Othellos behaviour is reprehensible and crashes to a new low when he strikes his wife, calls her a whore and goes to the extreme of killing her. Here I have a small amount of sympathy as he is being tortured by Iago. At the end he realises what he has done and tries to redeem himself by doing the noble thing and killing himself as well. However I have no sympathy for him at this point he should have never let it come this far, he had the ability to stop it. In the opening act we immediately see the racism towards Othello. Iago proclaims to Desdemona’s father Brabantio â€Å"even now, now, very now, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe†. Brabantio is outraged by this proclamation and doesn’t believe his daughter would be capable of such betrayal. Iago adds â€Å"You’ll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse; you’ll have nephews neigh to you† and the final comment that pushes Brabantio to go in search of Othello â€Å"your daughter and the Moor are now making the beasts with two backs†. I have great compassion for Othello as in the first act without yet meeting him, we are led to believe that he is some animal that has put Desdemona under â€Å"spells and medicines bought of mountebanks† When Brabantio confronts Othello, his nobility shines through . Othello shows us that he is brave and calm. Othello doesn’t run away, he stands up for himself and refuses to fight without good reason â€Å"Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them.† Othello is definitely respectful and could almost be called a feminist. Instead of  speaking on behalf of Desdemona he â€Å"send(s) for the lady to the Sagittary, and let her speak of me before her father† In Shakespearian times was an unheard of thing to do yet it was incredibly noble and respectful. Othello continues to be a model character when he chooses to do the right thing over choosing what is easy. Othello was faced with the decision to fire his close friend Cassio. He values his reputation and if he was to over look Cassio’s mistake, Othello’s professionalism would be questioned. â€Å"Cassio, I love thee; but never more be officer of mine.† I have deep sympathy for him at this point as we, the audience, know that this is all part of Iagos wretched plan to ruin Othellos life. Othello is clueless as to what â€Å"honest Iago† has in store for him. It is not until the temptation scene until Othello’s nobility immediately gives way. At this point, Iago has a heist on Othellos life. Othello has lost the ability to sleep; his peace of mind is ruined along with his nobility and his confidence in his own opinions and beliefs. As I mentioned already, Othello used to treat Desdemona with the upmost of respect and dignity, however Othellos kind and gentle personality have been drastically altered. Othello no longer gives Desdemona the opportunity to defend herself. In fact she is so clueless and confused, she doesn’t know why her loving husband has taken such a turn, she then blames his erratic behaviour on work stress saying â€Å"something sure of state†¦. hath puddled his clear spirit† Othello also calls Desdemona a â€Å"whore† when he asks â€Å"Are you not a strumpet?† I must admit I have a bit of sympathy for Othello here because he is not in his proper state of mind. However he strikes her in front of her friend and family â€Å"I (Desdemona) never gave him cause† She is in disbelief that her husband would be capable of such a thing. After this I have absolutely no sympathy for him; it is completely unacceptable to hit a woman, regardless of the circumstance. In the final scene Othello crashes to an all time low. Othello stands over his sleeping wife, preparing to kill her. Desdemona attempts to plead with Othello â€Å"And have you mercy too! I never did offend you in my life†. She asserts her innocence, but Othello smothers her. Again, I have no compassion for this act whatsoever. Desdemona did not deserve to die â€Å"a guiltless death†. After realisin the truth, Othello is crushed â€Å"Are there no stones in heaven but what serve for the thun  der? Precious villain!†. Othello then makes a speech about how he would like to be remembered, and begs for punishment, he pleads â€Å"Wash me in steep-down  gulfs of liquid fire!† He then does the somewhat noble thing and kills himself with a sword he had hidden â€Å"Killing myself to die upon a kiss.† It is clear to be seen that Othello is a noble character however Iago does everything he could possibly do to ruin Othello’s marriage, career and ultimately his life, which conclusively deteriorated his nobility as the play developed. I feel that he did not regain my sympathy as I feel that he took the easy way out by killing himself. Even though he was severely manipulated by Iago, the way he dealt with the situation was too harsh and if he kept a level head and addressed the issue differently, so many lives could have been saved.